Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A public thank you

A Fitting Send-Off›

In Jim Doyle’s final “patrol” through Westhampton Beach, Main Street was busy on an unusually warm Sunday before Christmas. An American flag hung resplendently across Sunset Avenue, at the site of the building that was headquarters for most of Dad’s career [“James Doyle, Former Police Chief, Was 83,” December 17]. Police officers offered a final salute at each corner we passed.

I’m writing to publicly thank Chief Trevor Gonce, and the Westhampton Beach Police Department, for the honor and solidarity they displayed as we bid farewell to my father. The department was an integral part of Dad’s life, an integral part of my upbringing here; in many ways, celebrating my father’s life (and flipping through his photos and scrapbooks) was a reminder of how our police officers are an integral part of our community.

Their presence and respect at his funeral service were so moving to me, but even more so, they helped Jim’s grandson, who had so little chance to know him, learn about his grandfather and see the impact he had on so many people.
Colleagues, friends, neighbors and family visited, wrote and called to share kindnesses and stories. Rabbi Steven Moss, a dear friend, dispensed beautiful words and copious hugs.

We also extend our thanks to the Suffolk County, Riverhead, and Southold Police Departments, to Mayor Maria Moore, to the Westhampton Beach Fire Department, to the Follett and Werner Funeral Home and Westhampton Cemetery Association, to the Suffolk County Emerald Society and to the U.S. Air Force for their participation in our farewell.

The Southampton Press and reporter Greg Wehner worked to their deadline to share the news of Dad’s passing with his community.

Our family has slowly grieved over the years as the symptoms of Alzheimer’s progressed for Jim; this final celebration truly brought him back to us, and brought him home. It was a phenomenal send-off, and deeply appreciated.

Maya Doyle
Westhampton Beach

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